To the girl with baby on her Christmas list this year...I know, I get it.
I know the feeling of thinking about giving your parents "I love grandma" onesie.
I know how badly you want to shock friends and family as you announce you will go from a family of 2 to 3.
I get what it's like having a stash of baby clothes in your closet, collecting dust now.
I get what its like dreading every family party, trying to avoid the question of when it will be your turn. To try and think of an excuse that will be acceptable.
I get what its like to wake up on Christmas morning and wonder if you will go through another one alone.
I know what its like to count down the days and realize "This could be... could be the year", that if everything lines up perfectly, you'll be giving your partner the ultimate gift this year.
I get what it's like to walk through the aisles on Black Friday and think about grabbing baby supplies because maybe one day you'll need it.. if you're lucky.
I get what it's like to get asked why. Why you don't have kids yet, and I get what's it's like to lie through your teeth.
I get what it's like to buy for each other, hoping it will fill the hole, and drown out the pain of no kid on Christmas.
I get what it's like to have a good life, but want something more.
I get what it's like to have Christmas hurt a little more than it should.