Thursday, November 1, 2018

Blayke Lynnie's Birth Story

October 25, 2018 was the day. The day we would go from a family of 2 (plus the fur baby) to a family of 3 (still with a fur baby)!

I kept telling everyone I was going to go into labor early, I had absolutely no reason to think that, I just wanted her here early so I told everyone she would be early. I didn't quite expect her to listen or to come THIS early, but now that she's here and she's healthy and happy, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tuesday morning at 3:30a I woke up having to pee.. the usual pregnancy in the middle of the night, she kicked my bladder, oh my goodness I can't hold it, have to pee. Only this time when I got up I was already wet? A gush of fluid just came out of me. I thought she had just kicked my bladder extra hard and that I was becoming "too pregnant" to control my on bladder. I cleaned up the mess (and myself) and went back to sleep. All day that day I kept having random gushes of fluid come and go as though I was 84 and didn't know how to control my bladder. Totally embarrassed I finally told my husband so we could have a good laugh. Which we did. Then he left. He flew out to San Francisco the following morning and I had an important event so we just kept pushing the random gushing off and figured it was just another one of those weird pregnancy things.

Finally Wednesday night after lots of failed Googling what the hell could be leaking out of me I called my personal nurse. My sisters in nursing school so I just assume she knows everything. She told me it was possible to have some pre-membrane rupture something and that I should probably go to the hospital. Seeing how I was still without a husband and wasn't in any type of pain I figured I would just call my doctor the following morning and see what he suggested.

Sure enough Thursday morning/early afternoon rolled around and I called the doctor. Their reply was "Go to labor and delivery now, and pack your things". I called for Matthew who had just gotten back from San Francisco and told him to load the car seat as I proceeded to pour myself some cereal. "What are you doing!?" he asked as I started lolly gagging around and taking pictures of my baby bump. I replied that labor takes forever and I wasn't having any contractions so I was going to take my time and if this really was it I should take pics of the bump for time being.

Finally about 12p I got into the car and we headed off to labor and delivery. They ran some paper test to see if I was dripping amniotic fluid and it came back negative. I told the nurse the gushes come and go.. she very nicely told me that I was basically peeing my pants and just wasn't use to it. SO EMBARRASSING! I was so upset we waisted everyones time and was determined to not step foot back in that hospital until I was having the world's worst contractions. The nurse came in with the discharge papers when the worst thing happened.. my baby's heart rate had dropped.

After putting oxygen on me and repositioning myself her heart rate came back up and she was showing all the signs of a healthy and happy baby again. The nurse then informed me that we needed to stay another hour to make sure that didn't happen again. TWICE! Two more times her heart rate dropped down into the 70s. For the first time this entire pregnancy, I was scared.

The doctor was called and the decision was made to give baby a BPP test (Biophysical Profile). Basically a stress test. I went down for an ultra sound to find things were not good. Baby stopped moving. Her heart rate was great and her lungs were doing practice breaths, but baby did NOT want to move. That's when the rad tech discovered it... the bonus child.

The entire pregnancy I kept joking that our little miss was grounded because she kept digging into my hip, well don't worry she's not grounded anymore. It wasn't her at all! Located on my right ovary was a MASSIVE cyst! It weighed more than my baby! I've talked openly about our infertility journey, and we did IUI to get pregnant. The cyst appeared on my baseline ultrasound before we got pregnant so they thought it would just go away naturally... nope it grew with the baby!

I was sent back up to my room and told to wait for the doctor. Nurses came in to mentally prepare me for a C-section. I could care less about how she came into the world, I just needed my baby to be okay.

Doctor Jones came in and told me I had 2 options. 1. C-section to remove baby right now and the cyst as well. 2. Wait to see if labor happens and then be rushed back after to have the cyst removed surgically while praying the entire time the cyst would not burst and baby would be okay.  Then he followed up with "if you were my daughter I would chose number 1". I completely agreed and then he said "Great, call family now, you're having a baby within the hour"
Natural selfie you take before heading back to become parents

Naturally after a 4 min conversation with Grammy Jen the Scoffield clan was doing 90 on the freeway and I was heading back for surgery. As I stood up there came the gushing fluid I had for the past few days, confirmed, my water had been broke since Tuesday.
The proudest grandpa

I was told multiple times to prepare for pain and to lose control and feel my blood pressure drop... to which nothing happened. It's not that it wasn't painful, the anesthesia shot in my back hurt like hell, but not nearly as bad as they made it sound.

Getting ready!

Within 5 minutes I was asked "ready to have a baby?" and 3 seconds later I heard her screams. Coming in at 5lbs 1oz. The bonus child weighing 6lbs. I just sat in awe. Awe that she was mine, she was healthy, that she let me know she was ready to be here, and awe that everything happened so perfectly timed so we could get her here the safest way possible.
 The pure shock of being a mom and having the cutest baby
 First family of 3 picture
We are adjusting to this newborn life... kinda...