Sunday, October 9, 2016

Moving to the Caribbean won't solve your problems

This will most likely be the hardest blog I have ever wrote, but I keep coming back to it so I take that as a sign that these thoughts are not meant to be in my head anymore and its time to put them out on paper. 

I lived in the Caribbean for almost 2 years and I loved it. I love that every day off feels like a vacation, I love that I can island hop on a Saturday and be back by dinner , I love the culture, the atmosphere, and I love the people who make it feel like home. It is my home. Since I turned 18, living in in St. Thomas has been the longest place I have ever stayed. Yes there are some down falls for sure (refer to blog post 1), but theres something nobody sees.. and it’s time for me to address it. 

Living in the Caribbean won’t solve your problems. Since moving to an island I have developed anxiety and depression. WHAT!? How can someone look out every morning from a nice home that they don’t pay rent for, see one of the world’s top most beautiful beach, have a good paying job, a solid relationship, and yet their constantly anxious? I don’t know. If I understood it I would probably be writing some doctors my theories not this blog for some people to read. 

I laugh when people say that moving and being a beach bum would solve all their problems, it won’t. I tried. It has taken me about 9 months, 9 solid hard months to get a grip on my anxiety, and I am NOT saying it’s cured and I don’t have anymore problems, or that I am a doctor in ANY sense. I just have some little pieces of advice that I wish someone would have told me. And no… living in the Caribbean isn’t one of them. 

I use to view going to the doctor about anxiety, or being on medication was crazy. Like only crazy people do that right? I couldn’t have been more wrong. There is anxiety and depression medication out there for a reason… because people NEED it. And it’s OKAY to add your name to that list. When I finally went to a doctor to get help it was one the scariest things I could have ever done. I was worried she wouldn’t believe me or think I was crazy.. and guess what happened. She understood. She wrote me a prescription, recommended a therapist, and reassured me I was okay. I don’t take my medication every day, or really much at all.. BUT for me just the assurance that they are in my back pack and I could take them anytime I wanted is enough for me. FAIR WARNING anxiety medication can be highly addictive, I recommend letting someone you know, love, and trust hold on to your medication for you and give it to you when you ask, but that’s just my opinion. 

Everyone gets anxious and sad, but that doesn’t mean they have anxiety or depression. Anxiety is when you wake up at 3 am and drive down to the store you manage because you can’t remember a specific SKU or when you get off work and just cry and break down about everything that could have gone better. I use to think I was just feeling anxious and couldn’t get a grip on things because something was wrong with me. I couldn’t get a grip on things because I was human. There are A LOT more people out there with both anxiety and depression. More than you probably realize, than I probably realize, you/we are not alone. I thought since I had such a good life, or wasn’t busy with kids, and lived in the Caribbean that I couldn’t get anxiety.. I wish someone would have told me that anxiety chooses their victims, regardless of your gender, status, race, or any other variable. People get anxiety and depression. 

I hate dieting, actually hate isn’t a strong enough word… I completely LOATH ENTIRELY dieting, and thats because diets are so temporary. Every time I would attempt a diet I would post sticky notes on my mirror as a countdown for when my diet was over and I could start shoving my face with cookies while spooning Nutella in my mouth! My doctor was shocked when she asked how often I worked out and I answered 6 times a week every morning. Exercise is the number one recommend antidote for anxiety and depression… but it wasn’t enough for me. I would try to train harder, run faster, lift heavier, but nothing helped. Then I started “dieting” and I was NOT dieting, I was just actually eating from all the food groups and guess what… things got better. I thought more clearly, I had more energy, I started sleeping through the night. I personally did intermittent fasting and it worked WONDERS for me. It’s not for everyone, so do your research before you start anything. 

I started listening to podcasts. If you don’t know what podcasts are then your life is about to get so much better. Podcasts are basically like articles, stories, motivation speeches, and everything in between read to you aloud. I stumbled across podcasts when I was research intermittent fasting and I found Chalene Johnson. I started listening to podcasts when I worked out in the morning (at first because it took less data than Pandora) and things changed. It was like getting a motivational speech every morning! These talks were backed by research, guest speakers, and some even came with jokes (bonus). I felt good. Listening to a story while I was at the beach was more relaxing to me than laying there thinking how hopeless life was and wondering why I wasn’t tackling my to do list. Did you know our brains are smart, but they’re not smart enough to multi task? I learned it from a podcast! Whenever I feel myself getting worried or sad I listen to a podcast, or read a book.. then my mind focuses in on what I am listening to or reading and the worries and sadness go away. 

I am NOT a doctor, like I didn’t even take medical classes in college so I am NOT saying these things are proven, I am just letting you know what I wish someone would have told me.I have good days, and I have bad days too. But for the first time in a long time I have hope. Hope that things are going to be okay, that I am okay.
The Caribbean won’t solve your problems, sand between your toes is just stand between your toes, its not an antidote. I have a good life. I am VERY blessed. But that doesn’t mean I am immune to anxiety and depression. No one is.. and if you are PLEASE let me know how.