Saturday, June 4, 2016

3 things to know before you cruise!

If you are cruising to the Caribbean soon, or plan to, or dream of it, PLEASE take like 3 minutes tor read this blog! I have worked in the Caribbean for almost two years now and I wish someone would teach even a quarter of the tourist on those ships that come in some “tourist etiquette.” So if I can stop one of you many world travelers from looking like an idiot than my work will be done but until then… read on and get prepared.. 

Also this blog is kind of more like a rant... so first enjoy this picture... 

Ohhh ahhh nice huh... Okay keep reading

KNOW WHERE YOU ARE! I have said this before in previous blog posts, but honestly it kills me how so many people do not know where they are. I get it, you’re on vacation, unplugged from the world, may have taken the free rum shots as you exited the cruise ship, but that helps you forget the date not where you are. When I was working in Grand Cayman (an island owned by the UK) people would get SO UPSET with me when I told them we did not offer military discount… think about it for a minute. 

Living in the US Virgin Islands I thought would be easier and I was less likely to run into “stupid tourist” please pause and watch me face palm myself. U.S. as in UNITED STATES. And yet everyday someone asks me “What does your money look like” “Why do you talk so good” and my favorite… “I am from America, do you know where that is?” 
I am not saying you need to learn the islands history or how many square miles the island is just if you are in the US or not and exactly WHAT island you are on.. here’s a tip, your cruise itinerary will tell you. And if you honestly don't know, just ask, in a nice way "is this a US island?" see how much nicer that is than asking "what your money look like?"

WHAT DO I GET FOR BEING ON THE SHIP? ummm… high five? My least favorite question and almost anyone who works with cruise ships in the Caribbean I can guarantee you hates this question too. So you are on the cruise ship, congratulations, and thank you for visiting this beautiful island I would love to help you in any way but giving you a discount on $2 golf tees just isn’t something I want nor can do. I know you are on the ship, if the ship wasn’t here I wouldn’t be working. PLEASE stop feeling so entitled and privileged because you are visiting the island for a few hours and came in on a fancy boat. 

Instead ask, "was there a discount for the ships?" That's a normal question, and most stores offer VIP discounts for cruise guests (they're the same regardless of your ship), then we can tell you what coupons are available for you, rather than you just assuming you get a discount because 'you're on the ship.'

My last piece of advice is to NEVER I repeat NEVER INSULT THE LOCALS. They can and will make your stay hell if you insult them. NEVER tell them their island is dirty, it's their home and they will tell you that tourist made it dirty. Do not tell them of other islands that are prettier, nicer, or more fun to visit.. again its their home. Remember you are VISITING and most likely you are only visiting for a day.. so embrace the culture, learn what you can from them, and enjoy their spunky personalities. 

So there you have it my 3 top pieces of advice before you cruise to the Caribbean. I am not saying everywhere you go will be the same and again these are fully just my opinions! I just strongly recommend them! Until next time...